Fields of Plenty; GPS Tracking and Your Farm

As technology changes, the technology used by farmers has evolved, as well. From ox and horse-powered plows to self-driving farm equipment, we’ve come a long way. Technology has helped feed the world, and it continues to improve the lives of the hardworking men and women who grow our crops. How can farming vehicles GPS tracking help you?

GPS tracking can be used to help maximize efficiency as you plant, harvest, and spray your crops. GPS technology can be used to map out and better understand how your land is yielding crops, and which parts of your land need more or less fertilizer. This can save you quite a lot of money in the long run, and help maximize your resources, to fertilize and spray your property more efficiently.

GPS technology can also be used to keep track of your expensive farm equipment, and when attached to livestock collars, can help you keep track of cattle, sheep, and other domesticated animals. Locating farm equipment is much easier with GPS. This allows you to monitor possible theft of equipment and animals, and make sure that your herds are safe, and your tractors are accounted for.

What else can GPS do for you? GPS can also be used to drive equipment remotely. Yes, that’s right. This technology can actually synch with many kinds of equipment with satellites and be used to plow and harvest your fields automatically, with no one behind the wheel. This tech synchs up to your home computer or a smartphone. This is a fantastic time saver; can help you reduce labor costs. It can help you plow, plant, and harvest more precisely, and can help you maximize your yield as you save valuable time and money.

The overhead costs of farming are undeniably high. Using GPS technology can help you get the most out of your equipment and use your land in a way that’s economical and more productive. This technology can also help you monitor animal behavior, notifying you of possible dangers to your livestock, or predators nearby. Alerts about animal movements can also help you rotate your herds and flocks to make sure they have ample grazing land and get a better sense of the health of your cattle, sheep, and goats.

GPS tracking can also be used to divide and map your property to ensure that your land is not over-used and gets to rest periodically. Overworking the soil can ruin your land, and cost you crops and money. These configurations also allow you to keep an eye on your fields remotely, from a smartphone, giving you updates about conditions, plowing or harvesting progress, and fertilizer use as you go about your day. Keep track of your animals as you sip coffee at your favorite diner in the morning and get updates about the unusual activity as it happens. There’s really no reason to not use this technology on your farm. You’ve invested thousands in your land, equipment, animals, seed, and irrigation. Why not invest in something that can protect and monitor all of these assets for you?