Another Strong Finish for Meitrack Group

August 26th, 2014|General|

Meitrack Group After the International Security Fair in Colombia. Once again Meitrack Group has attended the ESS International Security Fair and lead the way in quality and innovation of its GPS trackers, that made it stand out from the rest, with every year becoming more successful than the previous growing in popularity and brand recognition. Current [...]

Athletes Performance using GPS trackers

August 20th, 2014|blogging news, gps news|

GPS tracking helping athletes Perform GPS tracking technology is developing very fast, it has been implemented in many areas and industries over a short period of time.  One area that the GPS trackers are now being used is in scholastic sports to help athletes perform their best. Top college football programs are implementing the usage [...]

ESS International Security Fair Colombia

August 16th, 2014|blogging news, Trade Show|

ESS International Security Fair Colombia 2014 The time is almost here when the ESS International Security Fair is getting started and Meitrack couldn't be more excited. Be sure to stop by booth space # 406-505 to find out the latest in GPS tracker innovations, news, and other information. New announcements will be made in regards [...]

RFID Radio Frequency Identification

August 11th, 2014|blogging news, gps news|

RFID Readers Bring Security to Fleet Vehicles. The RFID feature is very beneficial to any industry or individual that wants to allow certain individuals access to the vehicle. The RFID can grant access to only people who have key cards to start the vehicle by first waving their access card in front of the reader [...]

MS02 GPS Tracking Platform

July 23rd, 2014|blogging news, gps news|

MS02 GPS Tracking Platform Meitrack is a reputable company with more than 10 years of experience and knowledge about GPS tracking devices components including the MS02 GPS tracking software.  One of the advantages that Meitrack has among other GPS tracking companies is the tracking platform that is used to monitor the unit.  It has all [...]

Special Projects OEM / ODM GPS Trackers

July 21st, 2014|blogging news, gps news|

OEM / ODM Special Projects in the GPS Industry There are many GPS trackers out in the market, most of them coming from new companies that claim they are the greatest innovation when it comes to GPS technology, which most of the time its really quite the opposite.  Many of these new companies specialize in [...]

Facebook social media page

June 17th, 2014|General|

Meitrack is now on FacebookMeitrack USA has a Facebook page that is covered with articles and interesting stories that relate to GPS trackers.  Interact with the whole Meitrack community and learn more about GPS, how they work and everything in between.  Stay informed as we will be bringing you live webinars that you can attend [...]

Golf courses using GPS trackers

June 13th, 2014|blogging news, gps news|

  GPS tracking can be used to benefit many golf courses. This article written by Salvador Rodriguez for the ChicagoTribune talks about how USGA is now using GPS trackers to get better to helpfully speed up the game which averages about four and a half hours.  The article talks about how the GPS will get [...]

City uses GPS to track workers

May 15th, 2014|General, gps news|

  City workers in Michigan are being monitored by the GPS on city vehicles. This news report outlines how cities around the United States are installing GPS trackers on city-owned vehicles.  This is a really good idea that will benefit the city and make sure that workers are not abusing their morning, afternoon, and lunch [...]