If you ever wanted to add a GPS tracker to your vehicle but wanted to do it on a budget, then this article is for you.  The first thing you need to understand is that GPS trackers work in two components, the first is the hardware and the second is the software.  The balance between both must be good, if not there will be many headaches and sleepless nights on your part.  The recommendation for GPS tracker hardware is Meitrack’s TC68S and TS299L trackers.  These two devices are connected to your vehicle by either the OBDII connector or in the case of the TS299L cigarette lighter.  These models are highly recommended because of their durability and tested performance time and time again. The fact that they are built by Meitrack, the leading manufacturer of GPS trackers, and a 1-year warranty rivals that of any other device sold online.

Configuration is a breeze as they come packed with documents and step-by-step tutorials in videos. Once the devices are connected, there are various free and low-cost options when it comes to platforms.  One neat thing about Meitrack GPS trackers is that they can be used without being hooked up to a platform.  The alerts and messages can come in via text message directly to your phone. However, if you are looking for a platform there are several free options that can all work with Meitrack GPS trackers, just be warned that they don’t offer all the features that the MS03 offers and might leave you with just the very basic ones.