Many people love the outdoors, and with the restrictions that have happened in the last year and a half. Hiking has been an activity that many can enjoy without the use of a mask or being 6 feet apart.  Hiking has become an escape for many to live normalized lives and enjoy the outdoors.  However, there have also been events that have led to very dangerous and life-risking occurrences because of hiking.

There are people who enjoy going hiking by themselves, but experts will say this is something that is NOT recommended.  There are dangers every time someone goes hiking that can range from rough terrain, wild animals, weather, and even malicious people.  When going hiking it is recommended to notify loved ones of your whereabouts and location. Meitrack offers a GPS tracker that can notify others of your location while being in communication during your travels.  The P99G is designed to be a hiker’s dream, with its robust and bright design, this GPS tracker allows you to be in constant communication with others while also letting them know your location via the platform.  The P99G has a covered hard shell and is rated to be water-resistant in case it gets dropped in an area of water.  View the additional features that the P99G has to offer on