If you own a car rental business, keeping track of your vehicles is of the utmost importance. From monitoring possible accidents to keeping track of speeding and deterring potential theft, knowing where your cars are at any given time is crucial.
GPS tracking has advanced in leaps and bounds in recent years. These trackers are increasingly tiny, easy to hide, integrated, and come with a wide range of features that can be accessed by the owner from great distances. The GPS services are always on and offer more reliable connectivity than other forms of communication and tracking, such as cell signals or radio transmissions. Nowhere is it more important to keep track of your property than when you’re renting out high-value mobile items to the public. Rental car tracking and moving truck tracking are absolutely crucial for any business owner.
Indeed, one of the biggest risks any business owner can take is renting. Renting is highly lucrative, but also involves risk. You are placing expensive and valuable equipment into the hands of strangers, and you may not be able to know who you’re renting to. Stealing any rented equipment can be tempting for some customers, and nowhere else is this truer than in the case of a car or moving van. As vehicle rates climb and the cost of living soars, sadly some customers may feel tempted to make off with your property. Having a GPS tracker installed in your cars, trucks, and SUVs is a sure way to make sure you know where your vehicles are at all times.
GPS devices for cars allow you to track location, receive alerts if the vehicle is towed, and even remotely disable the vehicle in an emergency. All of this information can be monitored in real-time, via computer, or via the app. This means you don’t need to be in the office to see where your assets are, or receive updates about possible problems.
Along with deterring theft, GPS tracking can also be used to determine if your property may be used to conduct illegal activity. Knowing the neighborhoods in your area will be a great help in recognizing potentially concerning customer driving patterns, and making sure that your company is not embroiled in controversy or in breaking the law. In addition, this equipment can also be of great help if the vehicle is stolen from a customer by a third party. Few things would be more frightening for a customer than coming out of a shop or a home and realizing that their rented car, truck, or SUV is gone. Being able to track the vehicle ensures that you can recover your property much quicker, and be in a position to respond quickly to theft, or loss.
Finally, GPS devices can be used to monitor rough or unsafe driver behavior. Keep track of rapid or unsafe acceleration, speeding, driving too fast around dangerous turns, and other abuses to the vehicle. Keep track of where your customers take the vehicles and set parameters for distances beyond which alerts can be sent to you. If the customer renting a moving truck from you indicates that they will not be leaving the Chicago metro area, for example, and you notice them driving down to Missouri, this may be cause for concern. Moving truck tracking can help keep your truck safe, as well as help customers who are lost, confused, or unsure of their surroundings, as can often happen during a move.
The reasons to get a GPS tracking system installed on your fleet of rental vehicles are innumerable. It’s safe, smart, and can help both you and the customer out in emergencies. Know where your property is, be alerted to odd or unsafe driving practices, and recover your property quicker in the event of a theft. These services are more than worth their weight in gold and can save you tens of thousands over the course of your business ownership.